Restoring survivors is important work but does not stop the problem. How do we END human trafficking?
To eliminate trafficking we need to get to the root of the issue-demand.
First, we must take an honest look at ourselves and see how we are contributing to the problem. You might not own slaves, exploit vulnerable people at your business or pay for sexual acts, but what about the people who make your clothes or shoes? What about the laborers who picked your produce or mined the minerals used to make your phone? What about the people in front of the camera on that porn site?
Do you know if they are being exploited or trafficked?
Both labor trafficking and sex trafficking are driven by demand.
This means that industries such as textiles, electronics, hospitality services, restaurants and food service, traveling sales crews, agriculture, construction and the commercial sex industry (i.e. pornography, strip clubs, and prostitution) are susceptible to trafficking.
Additionally, in a study of 854 women in prostitution across nine countries, 49% said that porn had been made of them while they were in prostitution, and 47% said they had been harmed by men who had either forced or tried to force their victims to do things the men had seen in porn.
BUT we can be a part of the solution.
Listen to the talent of the show the Outlaws from WFCB Radio voice our #demandnomore PSA.